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No two-marina developments are the same. Every location or country has different market, environmental and water dynamics. These require unique and appropriate solutions through a proper honest and flexible approach, coupled with both international and local experience. Our client will benefit from systems and services that are appropriate for their unique requirements.

The IMS team listens to what the yachting community has to say about what works and what has failed by listening to all aspects of marina developments, IMS strives to come up with integrated solutions for a complete system that delivers short and long-term results.

Due to the structure of global and local experience of IMS team, it has the ability to be flexible in meeting the specific design criteria of the clients. Various consultancy services and extensive marine contacts and associations are used to maximize the efficiency of the latest and appropriate country and location engineering requirements of specific problems that are not contained in a single design strategy.

The IMS team has a diverse background in multiple aspects of the marine industry, giving the company a broad base of experience with local and international contacts.
