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About Us

Integrated Marine Solutions was born from the need to combine various marine disciplines in order to provide sustainable solutions for the growing marine industry in the Philippines, Asia and niche segments in mature markets. With the following core disciplines, the company and its association with marine experts and the industry can address all critical components for a total marine solution for its clients. With more than 782 delivered berths and 5 major international class standard marinas, including the Subic Bay Yacht Club, Philippines, the partners know what works both in the Philippines and abroad.

The company aims to provide an integrated approach to the marina industry with its multi-discipline partners. The approach is to provide as little or as much involvement as the client requires towards their marina, associated facilities development, users and prospective clients.

Committed to creating more than marinas, IMS strives to build a sense of place for boats, resorts, marina owners, crew and visitors alike, while providing commercially astute solutions for the stakeholders in every area of marine development, operations including value proposition for a sustainable long term integrated solution.
