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Dear Getaway Championship Series Sailors, Fans & Spectators,

Welcome to the 5th and final race of the 5 race of the Punta Fuego Yacht Club (PFYC) Sailing Championship Series, Hobie Getaway Class. Attached below for your reference is the official; Notice of Race, Pre-set race course sheet; the event poster. The awarding will include the days race and the championship series winners. Some competitors fresh from the recent 15th Hobie Challenge will provide good competition for the regular PFYC racers.

The schedule of events as follows:
Saturday, March 28

1230 Race briefing & Registration in Barracuda Bar, PFYC
1400 Race Start- Marina Area
1700 Arrival of Hobie Getaways at PFYC Marina
1715 Blessing of Floating Pontoons, Walk through, Cocktail at T-berth
1730+ Walk-back to Barracuda Bar for regatta cocktails and awarding

All skippers should advise Mr. Ipoy Bentir (+63-917-811-4361 / r.bentir@clubpuntafuego.com.ph), PFYC Marina Manager of your participation, preparation and if you require a crew. Those who wishing to crew or learn, please contact Mr. Ipoy Bentir (+63-917-811-4361 / r.bentir@clubpuntafuego.com.ph) so he could note down your contact number and pass the information for any skipper looking for crew.

